5 keys to healing PTSD & Moral Injury | S4E8

Season #4

In this talk we move into the 3rd section of Disentangled.

We defined the warrior (part 1, episodes 1 & 2 of this season), as well as the price they pay for serving (3 & 4).

We also dove into great detail about TWO of themes common soul wounds, PTSD and Moral Injury (episodes 5, 6, 7).


The point of talking about past pain isn’t to revel in it— or compare wounds, however. The goal is to—

👉 Acknowledge the hurts, b/c you can’t heal something you refuse to affirm exists

👉 Identify steps to move forward

👉 Actively work towards healing & wholeness (which, as we learn, is more of an ongoing journey than a simple “arrival”)


Again: It is not sufficient to merely understand the cost warriors pay for their service (particularly as it relates to PTSD & Moral Injury). In order to move forward, this understanding must lead to the warrior knowing that hope and healing can also be found.

So, we outline 5 keys to healing.

We get through the first 2 in this talk; we tackle the final 3 in episode 9.


(Note: this content comes from the first part of chapter 5 in Disentangled.)


Videos shared in this episode

After = Joe & Bernie (clip for Songs of Hope) remind us that not every “bad” experience is “only bad.” Reflect on the good moments too— that’s part of healing

Links to go further

Disentangled book = https://www.warriorhope.online/disentangled 

Stream our films free = https://warriorsonmission.org/films/