Was David REALLY a man after God’s own heart? | S4E7

Season #4

One of the most well-known stories in the Old Testament is the episode in which David, a warrior, got lazy and didn’t go to battle…

… and then took the wife of one of his elite soldiers…

… and then tried to cover it up.

And then, when that didn’t work, killed the soldier.


You probably know the tale, but haven’t explored it through the lenses of Moral Injury— and looked at how the actions not only affected David but also everyone else who had carry out his orders…


Was he REALLY a man after God’s own heart?

Scripture says so…

And that means there’s hope for all of us, because we not only see the heroes of our faith at their high points of great exploits (i.e., David saving the day by killing Goliath) BUT ALSO at their absolute failures— and how those mishaps and mess-ups hurt others.


We’ll also talk you through the path forward to healing…


(Note: this content comes from the second part of chapter 4 in Disentangled.)


Videos shared in this episode

Before = We included the “Moral Injury” mash-up, a collection of clips from Honoring the Code, our second documentary, to define Moral Injury as we move into this new section of the book

After = One veteran discusses a suicide attempt that failed… why it happened, what he learned, and moving forward

Links to go further

Disentangled book = https://www.warriorhope.online/disentangled 

Stream our films free = https://warriorsonmission.org/films/