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Everybody hurts, everyone can heal, everyone can find a next mission (w/ Rock Hobbs) | S2E14

mission season 2 warrior hope podcast Aug 23, 2022

Rock Hobbs has been a fighter pilot, a commercial airline pilot, an addict… and now leads a ministry that helps people— from all walks of life— find inner healing. He teaches from an overflow of what he’s learned the hard way.

In this podcast we talk about his story— and some of the events that led him to continue turning from one chapter to the next, until he found himself healed, healing, and helping others heal.

He says this…


You probably “stuffed” some things inside when you were deployed— by necessity. Now, it’s time to “un-stuff” them.

Think about that statement.

There’s no time— when you’re flying 500+ mph OR even during deployment— to heal. By necessity, you push the pain to the side, be it physical or emotional. You press on.

But, later, you MUST unpack the hurt and get help.


It’s normal to be affected by what you experienced.

Many warriors think they’re flawed when they sense they have an issue. The opposite is true, however. The things you endure during deployment aren’t “normal.” As such, it would NOT be normal to be unaffected by them….


Don’t just cover it up and “keep yourself busy.” Heal the hurt.

Rather than burying it, deal with it. Then move one.

There’s still a next mission for you.



Warriors on Mission = connect veterans to their next mission. The most common obstacles we see are 1) isolation and 2) unresolved hurts / unprocessed pain of the past. Finding that next mission matters because 1) you have a purpose, and 2) there are people who are going the affected (for the good!) by you living that mission. Those people include your family, your friends, and fellow service members…

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