As we created the first film, we continued bumping into "something else" that looked like PTSD-- on the surface-- but wasn't, when examined more closelyÂ
We learned about Moral Injury.Â
Whereas PTSD is a response to external threats-- things outside of us-- Moral Injury is a reaction to something "inside" the soul.
And, though it's not talked about that often, it's more common, perhaps, than PTSD.
If you (or someone you know) struggles with survivor's guilt, inner turmoil, or shame...
... it's MORE likely you're dealing with Moral Injury than PTSD.
As the Invisible Scars project neared completion, it was obvious a second film needed to be created.
That "other thing" that looked like PTSD and shared so much in common needed to be explored....
(Many warriors were being diagnosed with PTSD, but they reported that the treatment didn't work... because they were treating the wrong thing.)
Though it manifests similar symptoms to PTSD, Moral Injury is different
And, to find healing... you must address the wound needing to be healed.

Everyone has a conscience- something that steers us.
Here's how conscience affects people:Â
If you know to do right but do the opposite the result may be a guilty conscience.
If you do what is right, the result should be a clear conscience.
In other words, if you put a gag on the voice of “do right” you will experience a sense of guilt. Sometimes this is a misplaced guilt as the “wrong” committed is not your fault or wasn’t actually a wrong.

Conscience is the voice of "right vs. wrong" inside us.
Some think of it as a voice or moral compass inside us,. Others believe it springs forth from our inner being (from our spirit or soul), giving it more of a “religious” or “spiritual” connection.
You may have seen it depicted as an angel and a devil with one sitting on each shoulder of a person, whispering in their ear. The angel tells her to do right; the devil tells her to do wrong.
While deployed, many warriors are required to do things which violate their conscience, things which go against the "human code"
The result = Moral Injury

It might look like PTSD on the outside, but it's different on the inside.
Whereas PTSD creates a “flight or fight” response, MI typically manifests as overwhelming feelings of guilt or shame.
PTSD often requires medication in addition to other kinds of therapies. MI must be addressed in a much different matter.Â
(The two may co-exist, but they are different and must be treated differently.)
PTSD must be addressed as being primarily a mental and emotional issue while MI, though it may have an emotional component, is basically a moral or spiritual issue.

PTSD causes a person to respond to something OUTSIDE of themselves, a threat. Moral Injury goes INSIDE.
It includes-Â
- Violating or going against one’s core moral beliefs, one’s conscience (Note: this may be a personal choice or one demanded or ordered by someone in authority).
- Evaluating one’s behavior (actions) negatively to the extent they can no longer think of themselves as a decent human being.

The result is often overwhelming feelings of guilt + shame.
Notice the chart.Â
- Whereas GUILT is based on something we did- something that may be out of character for us...
- SHAMESÂ focuses on who we are, our identity.Â
Without healing, the two create a power-punch that creates a sense of aloneness, hiding, and feelings of not being worthy of even being human.

Honoring the Code is a tool to equip you- or someone you know- to deal with the deep issues...
You'll hear the stories of warriors who've been there, you'll glean insights from professionals, and you'll see a path forward- a real light at the end of the tunnel.
Watch the 5-minute Moral Injury overview here
And learn more about this soul wound that's commonly misdiagnosed as PTSD

You're about to see the stories of others who have been there...
Some are new into this journey of health + healing... and have just begun.
Others are miles down the road.Â
But we're all on the road together.

If you feel like it's time to take charge of your own journey towards health + healing in this area,Â
Or if you know of someone you'd like to bless with better information that can inspire them and give them tools to move forward,Â
And if you're looking for some step-by-step processes backed by science, Scripture, and history...
Then you'll love getting access to tools that can help.
Get access here and start the journey towards wholeness
Instant access to the entire documentary + 5 bonus modules
Watch as many times as you'd like- from all of your devices. Forever, wherever access.Â

Defining the true enemy
This short clip will outline the history of Moral Injury & help you understand why it happens

The differences
Though the two are similar, they are different- and require different protocols

Words from the sniper
Washington Booker tells what happened after he opened the wallet of a target

Post-Blackhawk down
J.T. shares how he felt the first time his conscience kicked in- and he had to kill in order to save

It's "normal" to be affected
It would be un-normal to endure war and not be changed- war is gruesome
When we bring the issue into the light, we realize two things...
1. Hope + healing is available
2. You're not alone!
The vitals
- 01 hour : 13 minute : 28 second feature documentary- access to the entire film, view it at your leisure
- 5 bonus features- dive deeper on the topics that matter most to you
- See what others are saying- view the comments and questions raised by others who have engaged with the film

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